The power of our thoughts and feelings allows us to manifest our desires. The
challenge is in harnessing our ever shifting perspectives so that we can focus
upon the thoughts that can make a positive difference.
Working with
our thoughts consciously allows our awareness and experience of life to unfold
its potential. The key is to be open to change and express ourselves from a
higher perspective on life. “Energy flows wherever your attention goes”. What does it mean to you when you hear that? Does it resonate something inside you? If not, I hope after reading this post it does.
I believe that there is something to the LAW OF ATTRACTION; in this moment what you are seeking is seeking you. Our past is but a memory and the future is in our imagination, right now in the
present moment is our true point of power. The LOA is the only law that applies to the whole universe, which makes it the most important law there is. EVERYTHING in this universe is made of energy, such as light, movement, sound, and even thoughts.
Hmmmm. What di you think about the energy of our thought?
I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “thoughts become things” and “what you think you become” but do you truly believe this to be true?
Try this exercise: Think about your life in the areas such as relationship, finances, health, and career. Which areas would you consider to be successful and which areas would you say you need improvements?
Now think about the thoughts you have about each, are they positive or negative?
Do you say things like “I hate my job or I love my job, I need more money or I have enough money, I am healthy or I feel gross, I am rich or I am poor”? What you are saying/thinking that is what you are attracting.
“Energy flows where attention goes” so whatever it is that you focus your energy on, that is the energy you are attracting back. If you think you are lacking in your life than you are attracting things that lack. For example: if you say “I don’t have enough money” than you’ll never have enough money. If you focus on things that make you happy you will attract happiness, or focus on things that make you feel successful than you will attract success.
Remember “Energy flows where attention goes”, pay close attention to your thoughts. If your thoughts are negative than edit them so that they are positive. “By choosing your thoughts, and by selecting which emotional currents you
will release and which you will reinforce, you determine the quality of your
Light. You determine the effects that you will have upon others, and the nature
of the experience of your life.” -Gary Zukav
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